Monday, May 14, 2007

Sorry I can't post pictures because I didn't bring my usb. I'll upload them when I get back though.
I am currently in CHiang Rai, just north of Chiang Mai, where I was when I last wrote. Here's the latest update of my activities:

1. I ate a bug. Actually I ate several, including one large fried cricket which stuck to the roof of my mouth. They didn't taste bad at all-- the hardest part was getting over the way it looked. Actually they were heavily salted and sprinkled with pepper. Not bad, but I won't ever eat one again.

2. I've been trekking in the mountains. There was no trail, but our guide had a machete, which the people around here call an "akon." He walked in front and cut away the trees and bushes as we walked hestitantly along mountain sides in the insanely intolerable heat. Humidity is nature's turtle-neck sweater.

3. I slept inside a mosquito net, which is something I've always wanted to do, for no particular reason except that I've always thought they looked neat. Actually our first night in the hill tribe we slept in a hut all together, on thin mats on the bamboo floor. THe ceiling was made of bamboo also, as well as something that looked like palm fronds all bunched together to keep the rain out. That night it poured and poured outside. THe roof held well mostly, except for a few drops that kept sprinkling my face from time to time. The bad part was the roosters... oh the roosters. There were a great deal of animals around, mostly pigs and piglets, chickens, and sad little dogs. Well as soon as the sky turned slightly lighter, every single rooster on that mountain began to screech. It lasted forever, but I managed to get some sleep. The next morning I ate my scrambled eggs with ferver, feeling like I'd found adequate revenge in eating their unborn children. Gross? I know.

3. I trekked in a constant downpour. It reminded me of that scene in forest gump when he's in vietnam and describing all the different types of rain. "Some rain even seemed to come straight up from below." It was definitely not as bad as all that, but we were slipping all over the place in the mud while climbing, and mind you--- still NO TRAIL. Still, it was far easier than the first day. Anything beats that heat.

4. I covered myself in tobacco water... to avoid the leeches!!!! AHhhhh!! We had to wade through the river a couple times, where apparently there are many leeches. That part freaked me out the most, but I didn't get hit. In fact, nobody did.

5. (best part) I rode an elephant. At first I was in a basket on top of the elephant with this girl JoAnn, who was scared out of her mind. I don't blame her either, those baskets were very high up, and the mountian sides very steep. Anyways our guide rode directly on the elephant's neck. At one point he turned around and asked me (in hand motions and thai) if I wanted to sit on the elephant's neck. I said yes, and climbed down behind him. But then the guide jumped down off the elephant and went to go pick some berries (arg!!!) and I was left "driving" the big bristly thing. It reminded me of horseback riding in Mexico. The elepahnt was reluctant to follow direction and kept eating the shrubery along the way, and going off course whenever he could. But by the end we were good pals, and I earned the respect of the elephant guides. They even shared one of their banannas with me, which looked gross and felt all wet, but I ate a bite of it before I pretended that my elephant stole it from me ( i fed it to him). Unfortunately I got sick later because of that bananna I think.

Anyways we took a boat ride back to chiang rai and I'm soooooooooo tired. I can't wait to sleep ina real bed, and I am very VERY relieved to be not covered in mud.
Hope all is well at home, let me know whats going on around there when you have the time!!
love, katie


Dad E Oh said...


Oooh, wee, souey, the trip sounds hellacious. Aren't you glad elephants aren't meat eaters. I guess it is better to ride on top of the elephant than to walk near them.

Yesterday was Mother's Day. We missed you. I drove Mom, Uncle Jaime and my Mom and Dad to Uncle Carlos's place in Mission Viejo. Unca' C and Aunt A had tons of food, including bbq chicken, sliced beef and a lightly breaded chicken. there were about five different salads, including greens, fruit, asparagus, etc. Three different cake desserts, including a guava cake from the Hawaiian Bakery.

Mom knocked me out in a WiFi boxing match. The humiliation was more than I could bear. Lots of people were there, including Amy, Robbie and Jeffrey, Samantha and Aaron, Aunt Becky, Unca' Norm, Adam, Naomi, Granma Anne, etc. etc. We had great weather, good conversation and a fun time was had by all.

When we got home, Unca' J and I popped some brewskies and ate a veggie pizza with anchovies from Beach Pizza while we watched "Sideways." I took him to the airport this morning.

Today is Monday and I'm glad it is over with. It is always hard to start the ball rolling - that's what Monday's are - start days. I now have a head of steam and will roll on through the week.

Buckley is fine and friendly as usual. Zoe is too. I look forward to reading your next post.

Love you much,

Dad E. Oh

Unknown said...


Your trip sounds great so far. I can't believe you got to ride an elephant! From what you describe, it sounds like you're a little more like Short Round than Willie when it comes to riding the elephants. What next, chilled monkey brains? Snake surprise?

I'm doing well. I finished finals. My last test was the first one where my computer worked, so I was happy afterwards. Amy and I went to Anza Borrego and had an amazing time. Every time I go, there's something new to see. And it seems like there's fewer people every time I go out there. We should go sometime in the fall.

Did I ever tell you about the time I played ping pong just outside of Ding Dang? If you happen to get there, let them win. Just let them win...

Good to hear from you. Make sure you keep writing!



Amy Dunphy said...

Hi Katie,
It has been so fun reading your blog. You are such an amazing writer. You describe everything so vividly - I feel like I am there seeing everything myself!

I can't believe you have been having so many fun animal experiences. Chris and I had one in Anza Borrego, too, though not nearly as exciting as yours - in the middle of the night, we woke up in the tent to hear a pack of coyotes howling! They didn't come right up to the tent, but they were really close, and it sounded like there were about 6 of them. They sounded different than I thought they would - more like they were wimpering or crying than actually howling.

I think Chris showed you the cool camping grill he got at REI, and we made some pretty gourmet meals on it. It was no salted cricket, I'm sure, but we made pancakes and eggs, and sauteed veggies (chris had sausage, too) and some delicious instant coffee. I made a pretty amazing campfire, but then I got scared that we were going to burn down the whole park, so we put it out.

Chris, Mike and I went to a Dodgers game last night. It was a really good game, close all the way through, but we ended up winning by one in the end. There was this hilarious guy sitting near us who kept trying to start the wave - every couple of minutes he would stand up and yell "1, 2, 3!!" - people tried to play along for a while, but then everyone started either ignoring him or making fun of him.

Chris is leaving for Milwaukee and Chicago on Saturday, and I'm going to New York on Monday for my sister's wedding. I'm going out early to help her with all of the details, and then going to D.C. for a few days afterwards for an orientation for my summer internship.

I can't wait to hear more about your adventures! I can tell everyone here misses you a lot. I think it is so amazing that you are doing all of this, and I'm so impressed with your courage and stamina! Can't wait to see you again when you get back.


Anonymous said...

oh my goooodness!!! sooo while i am here - sitting in an office you are out eating bugs, riding elephants, and covering yourself in tobacco water!! NOT fair!! :) buuuut i am sooo very happy to hear that you are enjoying yourself and experiencing soo many new and different things!!! i miss you tons and can't wait to read about more of your adventures!!!

cheers - xoxo

Anonymous said...

Great work.

foggy mornings

Back in college I would occasionally get up early and sit on a bench that was carved out of a massive tree trunk and smoke cigarettes with m...