Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It is currently 57 degrees in LA and 1 degree in Anchorage.

I'm in training with the VA Clinic yesterday and today. Yesterday I watched several hours of propaganda videos while locked in a small room with ten other people. Disorientation ensued, during which time I apparently voted republican, enlisted in the marines, raised a flag in the front yard, and ate a wonder bread and american cheese sandwhich, all of which I don't remember.
Today we have more informational lectures. Your typical VA employee supervisor will speak in military analogies and directly contradict what the person before him or her said. When one instructor was confronted she said, "welcome to the federal government," threw her head back and laughed.
My coworkers at VI are different though. Actually I have suspicions that all of ALaska is different than the lower 49. In the short time I've been here I've noticed that people here are on the job, or thinking about their job, 24 hours a day because they care about the people they're helping. And for that reason they also don't seem to get stressed out. They've got their "stuff" together. THey get the job done. They use cliches like the preceding two, and their motto is "Business as Usual... NOT!!"
As for me, I worry if I'll be able to help people follow the steps necessary to rehabilitate themselves when I'm still trying to grow up, myself. I wasn't able to put it into words before I left, but now I see that one reason I came up here was to rid myself of my youngest child tendencies-- letting others take care of me and prolonging my own development. If you always accept the help offered to you, you run the risk of never learning to take on life on your own. (or something like that). And it's no one's fault but my own!
So I decided to become the responsible person I've never wanted to be and as soon as I made this decision I promptly misplaced my phone for 24 hours and missed the bus twice. Merely setbacks. Today I have things generally under control again, and am on my way to... where i'm goin... one step at a time.

Will continue this later, back to training now. Got to find out which forms I need to fill out if I want to blow my nose.

New alaska quote:

"If you're going to be stupid in Alaska, you'd better be tough."

1 comment:

slightlysouth said...

wow - katie!! i love it!!! i am so very happy that you are learning so much about yourself and in doing so also helping others! i admire the misplacement and disruption you have allowed yourself to endulge in. i am sure that when our paths cross again i will hardly recognize you - and i mean that in only the best of ways! can't wait to read more!!! luf!

foggy mornings

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